30 May

While almost everywhere in the world people burn to god, on the other hand, they gradually strengthened their belief in money. People living under the system of capitalism, on the one hand, believe in religion, on the other hand, burn it to give God plenty of money, as if it were the central bank of God. For God, on the one hand, people help the people, on the other hand, people commit murders for money. We come across those who murdered his family for money. So, the laws of God are weak against money, and in this case, capitalism, which is based on money, replaces religion and my message with my art is that capitalism is the new religion.

The work of the cross with credit cards used by Yücel Dönmez is the artistic message that capitalism is the new religion.


While capitalism makes the belief in money strong, we see that a new faith has emerged in the field of visual arts. Now it is as if art is made for money, not for art, and belief in strong art people outweighs the art world. In this case, Gagosian becomes the new prophet of the art world. Because when the artist creates the most different and important works of art in the world like myself, he cannot tell anyone about the problem, only the management of the gagosian gallery that Gagosian has decided has been because the answer given to me by the gagosian NewYork administration was this, "lary gagosian decides and you try to reach it ". It would be very easy was to reach the prophet if they were in normal religions, because the prophets of religions would not distinguish people, at least ... The prophet of art is also not easily accessible because it belongs to capitalism 


Today, the most powerful art gallery in the world of visual arts is the gagosian gallery, and Lary gagosian is the prophet of the visual arts. Yücel Dönmez did this work from the protest series years ago. The book he sent from Chicago to New York Gagosian gallery two years ago was later sent back to him, and in his telephone conversation twice, they told him that his work was interesting, but Lary gagosian could make the decision so he could work with the gallery. To protest the double standard in the world of visual arts, Yücel Dönmez added Lary gagosian to his study of capitalism. Yücel Dönmez says, "If Lary gagosian is the prophet of art, I am the present deity of art. It is worth knowing a prophet for me," and gives his message to the gagosian gallery and art world.

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